Home » Package services
Accounting is only part of what your company needs.
Here we publish the additional services which are offered by Garant accounting firm to its clients.
Accounting + website creation
If you need a new website, our colleagues from Pixel Dream EOOD will create it for you and will give you a discount of 150 euro.
Accounting + professional company formation
If you are starting a business, our legal advisors will register your company.
Accounting + online access to accounting data
Online accounting is a way to have 24-hour access to you accounting information through the Internet by using free flash memory.
You can also use this system for sending and receiving documents in an exceptionally easy and fast way.
Accounting + Help Desk support system
The Help Desk system of Garant accounting firm is another way for us to be of use to your company.
You can use the system to make inquiries, send us files and receive the requested accounting statements and reference documents. All in one place, ordered by date.